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QR Codes

What are QR codes?

A QR code, or Quick Response code, is a type of bar code used to provide easy access to information by use of smart phone or device.


How will QR codes be used in the classroom and at home?

Since QR codes can help students find information easily, I plan to use QR codes on homework and assignments as a tool for help and reinforcement on the content.  Codes can be scanned on a smart device and be immediately brought to a video to explain how to find the area of a polygon or how to divide fractions.  Codes can also be scanned for answer keys or extra practice.  I create the QR codes and the destination or information to be shown on that specific QR code. 


How do I scan a QR code?

On your smart device, go to the app store.  Search QR code reader, and download any app you prefer.  There are a few that are free.  The two I have used are QR Reader and QR Reader+.  When you open the app, hold your camera over the QR code until it scans.  Then the QR destination will appear on your device!  


Will QR code readers be mandatory?

No.  I understand that not each student has access to a smart device and therefore will not make it mandatory.  I will only put QR codes for extra help and practice.  I will never assign anything using QR codes.  If a student does not have access to QR codes but still needs help or reinforcement, I can provide assistance!  Just remember, I will also use QR codes during class so each student will have an opportunity to check it out!

qr picture.jpg

QR Reader






QR Reader+

Try It Out!

Scan this QR code to see a list of supplies you will need for math!

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